Friday, October 19, 2012

The many expressions of Alfy Doo Da!

We just love waking up to our sweet pea every morning and getting the opportunity to watch him learn and grow.  His facial expressions constantly keep us entertained, and his kisses aren't so bad either! :)


This last pic is one of my favorites. This was one day during lunch when we went to visit Alfy at school.  He loooooved having his Papa surprise him!

Alfy's First Wedding

We traveled to Austin last weekend for a friend's wedding.  It took us just about 5 1/2 hours to get there and Alfy was a trooper the whole way!

Can't get enough of that dimple!!

Alfy loved to people watch.  Everyone commented on how well behaved he was.

Pappy and Anne cutting a rug!

He's getting to be such a big boy and can almost hold his head up all by himself!

Pumpkin head and Aunt Anne

Pappy and Alfy.  It almost looks like little one is throwing up gang signs here. :) Silly Alfy

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Playing Catch-Up!

It has been quite some time since my last post!  We have been moving and shaking over here and are absolutley IN LOVE with our sweet little pumpkin!  Here's a brief re-cap of all the fun things that happened in the past 6 months!

Sweet Baby D turned 1!!!  He was such a little ham at his birthday party!  He got hooked up with all sorts of toys and books.  Aunt Emi and Uncle Trey love you, big boy!!

Doing his tough guy impression!

 Donovan loves to swim with his Uncles!!

Nom nom!

 Me and my rice picking husband.

 Preggers #1 and Preggers #2.  We have a real talent for hanging signs. :)


My friends and family threw a fabulous baby shower for me in Dallas!!  I was so happy to have everyone in one place to celebrate sweet Alfy! 

We were so glad to see Mira and Teresa!!  Mira was such a good helper and even cleaned up all of the wrapping paper! Thanks, Mirabelle! :)

 The sweet party favors.  Cookies in a jar!

 Aunt Anne, Emi, and Alfy :)

Hostesses with the mostestes (?) :)

Good times!

Now to the main attraction....what we have been waiting 9 (almost 10) long months for....Our sweet baby boy, ALFY!!!!!!!

Lets start from the begginning...

We definitely ended my pregnancy with a bang!  We had been having issues in the last trimester with my amniotic fluid.  My body wasn't retaining the fluid effectively, and poor little Alfy didn't have much to swim around in.  Doctors decided bed rest was the only solution.  I did that for a couple of weeks and it still didn't help the sitution, so they kicked it up a notch and admitted me to the hospital to be placed on an I.V.  All in all I stayed in the hospital for around 3 weeks before Alfy's arrival.  It sucked but was sooooooooooooo worth knowing that our little one would be okay.  It was actually very relieving to hear his heart beat all day and all night (they had me hooked up to a monitor). We had some interesting experiences in the hospital.  One ultrasound tech informed me (the day before I was to be induced) that Alfy only had 1 kidney.  Alfy came out perfectly with 10 fingers, 10 toes and 2 kidneys!

Anywho,our first family photo!! 

Fresh out the womb. :) Our sweet Alfy doo da!

He was a little tyke, weighing in at 5 lbs. 12.2 oz.

Everytime I look at this picture I cry.  The love on everyone's face is undeniable.  Alfy is one lucky boy!!

He loves his Papa.

Trey was cracking me up.  He refused to take his scrubs off and was running around the hospital acting like a doctor.  Some little kids thought he was a doctor and he went right along with it. Paging Dr. DiCarlo!

Aunt Beth and Uncle Zach

Love our family!

Watching Alfy grow...

We just love to sit around and stare at our precious baby boy.  He really is a gift from God and his Papa and I feel so blessed to have him in our lives.

One of his newborn pictures.  I will add more of these later!  Look at those pouty lips. 

Alfy and Mama

My first time in shorts!

This has to be one of my favorites!

Alfy at 1 month!!

Alfy at 2 months!!

With his Aunties

Can't wait for Miss Luci to get here and join her playmates!