Friday, April 20, 2012

Baby Alfy- Week 26

Baby Alfy is now 26 weeks!  My oh my how time flies.  We are getting to the home stretch.  Here are a couple of highlights of how our little sweet pea is progressing. 

Alfy is now just under 2 pounds and the size of a large zuchinni.

His nails are starting to form on his fingers and toes.

He is now practicing breathing by inhaling and exhaling amniotic fluid.

He is starting to grasp his hands and wiggle his fingers and toes. 

Less than 100 days to go!

Family Fun!

Trey and I packed up and headed to Dallas for Easter weekend.  It was great seeing everyone and spending time with the family.  Here are some pictures from our trip.

Lunch at Neimans

Cousin love :)

Hey there, Aunt Beth!

Donovan, the ladies man.

 Love this family pic!

 Uncle Trey loves him some Baby D!

My sweet nephew in his sailor outfit.  Look at those baby blues.

 Easter brunch

The weekend after Easter we visited the Schiffs and Carrels in Evansville.  It was so nice seeing Grandma Carrel. Love you, Granny!